Schools will open on a two-hour delay, Wednesday, January 17.

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In the News

They’re back! Our little ones are ready to learn.

First Day Student 1 scaled

Welcome back to school!

Back-to-school days are exciting – filled with new faces, old friends, great hopes, and occasionally, a tear or two. This year is no exception at The Loyola School.

We are thrilled to welcome our first group of first graders and our new principal, Greta Rutstein, as we continue to expand our elementary school.

Exciting, too, are our preschoolers, with 18 newly enrolled 2-year-olds, who are discovering new opportunities and making friends. In all, 81 youngsters fill our halls this year.

15 prek grads

Summer was busy and exciting, too. Our students took field trips to the National Aquarium, Port Discovery Children’s Museum, the Walters Art Museum and Irvine Nature Center. Visitors brought songs, science experiments, magic tricks and even a therapy dog to the classrooms. We welcomed our neighbors to a Block Party in July, a day of family fun, local food, music and information about the school and community resources.

In August, our 15 PreK students in the Class of 2022 graduated with all the pomp and circumstance due them. They moved to kindergarten well-prepared for their elementary years.

77 scholarships

Our donors are a big part of all this. Such year-round learning, fun and progress cannot happen without this generous support of The Loyola School. We are thankful for the kindness making a real difference in our students’ lives. Thank you for caring.

With gratitude,

fr bill watters signature

Rev. William J. Watters, S.J. President