The Loyola School invites you to share our series of Lenten reflections. You might consider them stops along your own Lenten Journey

We begin Ash Wednesday with this brief meditation:
Show Me Your Ways, Lord Teach Me Your Paths
Psalm 25:4
Each year we are invited to undertake a special journey with our fellow pilgrims as we embark on Lent. Together we become companions of Jesus on the road leading to Mount Calvary on Good Friday and the Tomb of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
The pilgrimage calls for us to undertake three essential disciplines each day during the journey: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving to the poor.
On Ash Wednesday the sojourners to have their foreheads smeared with ashes as the special symbol of their commitment to the journey and their dedication to Jesus and his Via Crucis, the Way of the Cross, on Good Friday leading to the Summit of Victory on Easter Sunday.
Won’t you consider joining us on this journey?
Throughout Lent we will offer you our reflections on this Sacred Season and how together we can put our disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving to the poor into action in our daily lives.