Our elementary school builds on the foundation established in preschool by providing high-quality education which incorporates the key ingredients to student success: access to early childhood programs, effective teachers, vigorous curriculum, and parent involvement.
The elementary school fosters students’ curiosity and creativity while developing skills of critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.
By focusing on the whole child, Jesuit values inform every aspect of our school day, guiding students to experience how empathy and kindness can impact not only their lives, but also the lives of our community, and the world.
Beginning in kindergarten, a guided reading program authored by Fountas & Pinnell which incorporates a print-rich environment of children’s literature and is the foundation for literacy development. This program is supplemented and supported by explicit, systematic instruction in phonics and word study using i-Ready’s Magnetic Reading Foundations.
Children meet with their teachers in small, homogenous groups, and the goal is to build oral fluency, phonetic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling, creative writing, and accuracy. The program is specifically designed for high-impact literacy.
For math, the Singapore Math Program, which guides children through a deep exploration of numbers, and a proficiency in one topic at a time, builds a strong computational and conceptual foundation.
The remainder of the program includes social studies, science, technology, music, religion, Spanish, and library, while still leaving time for the all-important play and exploration.