Elementary SchoolKindergarten
The kindergarten program provides children with a learning environment that focuses on learning, exploring, and being creative.
Research-based curricula such as Singapore Math and Fountas & Pinnell guided reading are the foundations of the program.
Social studies, science, technology, and religion round out the homeroom time. Children have specials weekly including music, Spanish and library.
All these subjects are intertwined with many opportunities for exploration, creativity, and play!
Language Arts
In Language Arts, Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading and leveled readers from Scholastic are used. The program is specifically designed for high-impact literacy.
Children meet with a teacher in small groups to build fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and accuracy. Students work on skills to grow as readers such as identifying upper and lower-case letters, letter sounds and rhyming words.
For math, the Singapore Program guides children through a deep exploration of numbers and a proficiency in one topic at a time.
Units include Numbers to 20, Shapes and Solids, Time, Classifying, Number Bonds, Addition and Subtraction.
Children develop an understanding of the scientific process through inquiry-based learning.
Critical thinking and observation skills are developed through exploration, discussion, and journaling.
Students use a hands-on approach to observe patterns in the world around them. They learn the concepts of cause and effect as they observe the push and pull on the motion of objects.
Through enrichment programs, the habitats and survival needs of plants and animals are explored.
Social Studies
Children learn about their identity and role as good citizens as well as their role within their community and the world at large.
They gain an understanding of economics by discussing topics such as: wants and needs, making wise choices, trading, and jobs/careers.
They compare holidays/celebrations within many cultures and learn important historical cultural leaders.
All social studies principles from the year are showcased in a culminating class project that consists of activism and brainstorming real-world solutions to real-world problems.
Special area teachers in Music, Spanish, Religion, and Library round out the kindergarten program.
Sample Class Schedule
Time | Activity |
8:20-9:00 | Drop off and breakfast |
9:00-9:15 | Morning Meeting |
9:15-9:30 | Interactive Read-Aloud |
9:30-9:35 | Brain Break |
9:35-10:20 | Math |
10:20-10:50 | Phonics/Shared Reading |
10:50-10:55 | Brain Break |
10:55- 11:40 | Guided Reading/Literacy Centers |
11:40-12:55 | Bathroom/Lunch/Recess |
1:00-1:45 | Specials |
1:45- 2:10 | Social Studies |
2:10-2:35 | Family Time |
2:35- 3:05 | Technology |
3:00-3:30 | Snack |
3:30-4:00 | Unfinished Work/Dismissal |