Summer 2024 is off to a great start!
From the deep blue sea to the wild blue yonder, our students have been exploring wider worlds over the past two weeks.
The theme “Water, Water Everywhere” kicked off the summer learning program, followed by a week of “Space” adventures.
In each classroom, students participated in age-appropriate activities tied to the themes. During water week, some younger students literally waded into water at the splash pad, while others immersed themselves through books, experiments and art projects. Aquatic specialist Lloyd Meeks talked about tropical fish tanks and gave the children an up-close view of starfish and other sea creatures.
During Space week, the elementary students took a virtual field trip to a planetarium and then reproduced some of the constellations they discovered. On another day, students enjoyed a read-aloud book, “If I Were An Astronaut” and then wrote personal stories of what they would do if they could go into space.
Rocket Reba, a scientist and educator, presented an interactive demonstration on air and space for all classes, using props such as dish detergent and dry ice.
Though the children continue the academics during the summer months, the learning is more hands-on with the students learning by doing, by thinking and talking about what they learned and then applying those lessons to other activities and challenges. In this way, they learn critical thinking and expand their skills and interests.
There is, of course, plenty of time for outdoor activities, field trips and walking tours of the Mount Vernon neighborhood.
TLS’ summer program continues through Aug. 16.
A big Thank You to all of you who are making this summer possible for more than 100 students.